Knowledge needed to Graduate (GEORGIA)

I compiled this information from the Perimeter College admission page and it represents what most colleges will expect you to know before entering college. Likewise, similar requirements should be met to graduate homeschool.

Course (Units) Instructional Emphasis

English (4)
Grammar and usage
Literature (American, English, and world)
Advanced composition skills

Science (3)
At least one laboratory science from the life sciences
At least one laboratory science from the physical sciences
One additional laboratory science

Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry
One additional higher level mathematics course

Social Science (3)
American History
World History
One additional social science

Language (2)
Two courses in one language emphasizing speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

If you haven't completed these courses you can take some college/ community college classes to fulfill the requirements.

Georgia perimeter college makes the following suggestions (look to the admissions page for suggestions from the college of your choice)

English: Take the COMPASS Placement Exam and exempt or exit Learning Support English and reading.
Science: Complete one of the following courses with co-requisite lab or its Honors version: ASTR 1010 and 1010L, ASTR 1020 and 1020L, BIOL 1402 and 1402L, BIOL 1403 and 1403L, BIOL 1405 and 1405L, BIOL 1407 and 1407L, CHEM 1151 and 1151L, CHEM 1211 and 1211L, GEOL 1121 and 1121L, GEOL 1122 and 1122L, PHYS 1111 and 1111L
or have earned equivalent credit through CLEP, AP, Advanced Standing Exam, or transfer credit.
Mathematics: Take the COMPASS Placement Exam and exempt or exit Learning Support mathematics
Social Science: Complete one three-semester-hour course or its Honors version: ANTH 1102, ECON 2105, GEOG 1101, HIST 1111, HIST 1112, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, PSYC 1101, SOCI 1101 or have earned equivalent credit through CLEP, AP, Advanced Standing Exam, or transfer credit.
Foreign Language: Complete one three-semester-hour 1001 or 1002 level course or its Honors version in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, or Swahili or have earned equivalent credit through CLEP, AP, Advanced Standing Exam, or transfer credit.

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