All about homophones

Enjoy these homophone videos without ever leaving this site. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. These stump children and adults alike. Enjoy the videos. (note: I can't control the auto play on these videos. To view them one at a time, pause each video, then proceed to play them)

Write - right, male - mail, made - maid

hare - hair, heal - heel, hear - here

bare - bear, be - bee,

Here is an article that explains how to use other common homophoness:
Homophones: Lists of Homophones by Angela La Fon
Homophones are words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning. Homophones can be enough to drive anyone plane, I mean, plain crazy. Learning a list of homophones can bee, I mean be, especially frustrating to young learners. I am going to share
sum, I mean some tips for helping learners remember which word to use. (read more)

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